This is where we post translations of our articles into languages other than English.
If you know of a translation that isn’t listed here, please contact us at [email protected] with a link to it.
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The Divided God (Translation 1)
Social Contagion
Overcoming Mythologies: An Interview on the Chuang Project
Echoes of Chengdu’s Tian’anmen
The Divided God (Translation 2)
一个时代的结束: 21世纪初中国的劳工圈
The End of an Era: Labor Activism in Early 21st Century China
Click HereČeština
Click HereNo Way Forward, No Way Back
Social Contagion
Overcoming Mythologies
Social Smitte
Social Contagion (in sections)
Wanneer in China een vlinder met zijn vleugels klapt
Book with translations of several of our articles
Benedenwinds: wat betekenen de eilandenconflicten werkelijk voor de Chinese en Vietnamese arbeiders?
Below the Winds: What do the Island Disputes Really Mean to Vietnamese & Chinese Workers?
Marx bezoekt Foxconn
Marx Pays a Visit to Foxconn
Welke solidariteit met de arbeidersstrijd in China?
The Guangdong Six and the rule of law (of value): Theses on the December 3 Crackdown
Contagion Sociale
Social Contagion (Book)
La fin d’une époque : Le militantisme ouvrier dans la Chine du début du 21e siècle
The End of an Era: Labor Activism in Early 21st Century China
Mesurer la rentabilité de l’industrie chinoise : Données en bref
Measuring the Profitability of Chinese Industry
La Chine n’est-elle pas le “sweatshop” du monde?
FAQ – Isn’t china the world’s sweatshop?
“Bienvenue en première ligne”, au delà de la violence et de la non-violence.
Welcome to the Frontlines
Soziale Ansteckung
Social Contagion (Translation 1)
Marx besucht Foxconn
Marx Visits Foxconn
Soziale Ansteckung
Social Contagion (Translation 2)
Η αντιφατική άνοδος της Κίνας: μια συνέντευξη με το Chuang από το InfoAut
The Contradictory Rise of China
Social Contagion
Social Contagion (Article, Translation 2)
Intelligenti, Scontenti e Invisibili: Li Yifan Sull’ascesa e la Caduta di Una Sottocultura Proletaria
Smart, Disaffected & Unseen: Li Yifan on the Rise & Fall of a Proletarian Subculture
Intelligenti, Scontenti e Invisibili: Li Yifan Sull’ascesa e la Caduta di Una Sottocultura Proletaria
Smart, Disaffected & Unseen: Li Yifan on the Rise & Fall of a Proletarian Subculture
Srpskohrvatski / Hrvatskosrpski
Social Contagion (Version 1)
The State of the Plague
Covid, Capitalism, and China
Gleaning the Welfare Fields
Red Dust (Printable Book)
Social Contagion (Version 2, with translator’s introduction)
Delivery Riders, Trapped in the System
Smart, Disaffected & Unseen
Until the End of the World
The End of an Era: Labor Activism in Early 21st Century China